After making a few sheets of felt from scratch, I have decided that from now on i will use pre-carded alpaca fleece in the process rather than doing the washing and carding myself.
The lovely
Freshfield Alpacas farm gate shop has an amazing selection of alpaca tops in variety of colours ready to be felted.
I have not given up entirely on making felt from scratch. Being able to know which alpaca the fleece has come from is a wonderful thing, but the process in converting the raw fleece into the base fabric is a lengthy one, especially when using flick carders!! So I will retain my handmade felt from
OUR alpacas for
very special limited edition 'From the woods'....and switch to using my handmade felt from pre-carded alpaca fleece from here on in.
Prioska is the last to use fleece from our alpacas (Seamus to be precise) so she is the precursor to the
very special limited edition