Thursday, October 28, 2010

CRAFTICIZE exhibition

The elective i co-lectured at RMIT, Crafticize- make something that means something- is having an exhibition.

Come and see the students work this Thursday 28th, at RMIT building 88 level 5, 440 Elizabeth street.

We've set up a nook lined with vintage sewing patterns, leds and bunting!
image of Ben in progress of installation

Monday, October 25, 2010

Reason #infinity why i love my mum

My sister phones me this afternoon, to tell me that she said to mum, she'd be a goat if mum took an animal form, because mum asks pretty stupid questions.
And that mum said my sister would be a mule, then mum sang a song about a mule being RUDE fat and lazy.

WTF! I love the awesome crazy in my family. Maman with the killer burn.